Timed writing for tests is very stressful, and I don't believe that this form of assessment really gages how well a student can write. The writing process needs time for pre-writing (brainstorming), organization, writing and revision. I believe that with the stress of time, students are not able to organize and fully express their thoughts. I recognize that students will never be free of state mandated timed tests. However, teachers are able to adjust their evaluations and assessments to allow time for students to be successful in class writing assignments. Local schools that I have been a part of are beginning to have students turn in their pre-writing and drafts, which give the teacher a better idea of how a student's writing has improved. I believe that this is a positive step toward improving students writing skills. However, there is also the problem of how teachers grade and assess student papers.
I find it amazing that there is such a disparity in the assessment and evaluation of student writing. I believe a person who has their BA in English and M.ed in ELA have more authority over what is or is not a good piece of writing from a student. For heavens sake! That is what these degrees are all about. How can the science teacher or family science person claim to have as much authority over writing as an English major/M.ed (ELA)? I firmly believe that the standards for effective writing should not be the same accross all subjects. I think that sometimes students are not assessed properly accross subjects. How can a student get a low grade on a paper in one class and an A in another? Part of it probabally has to do with a student's motivation. I know I would rather write a creative piece than a research paper for science. However, students need to gain the knowledge of how to write about a variety of topics. The real world does not always give options for what you are going to write. Rubrics are a good idea, but my experience tells me that even the best rubrics often have grey areas. In order for students to be academically successful, it is essential that we give them time to grow as writers. If this means that they need more time, than so be it. I also think that students need the opportunity to have some control over their work by helping to create their own rubrics for papers. By doing this students will feel a sense of ownership and control over their individual academic success in writing.