I think that often urban neighborhoods are displayed in a way that shows poverty and extreme deprevity. The last time I checked these neighborhoods displayed enormous amounts of diversity. Many people live here including the working class that is the foundation of America. I think that these pictures represent the idea that these neighborhoods are falling apart, and that this is where you should not live. The homeless person laying in front of the patriotic monument perhaps tells us that our people are not being cared for at home in America. The dog in the street portrays the idea that people in these neighborhoods are animal-like and not human. Haven't we heard this before? Perhaps we have. During the slavery movement many people were cohersd into believeing that African American people were not human, and that they did not deserve the same rights as white Americans. Perhaps if we view these neighborhoods as full of violence and animal-like people it is easier to dismiss them as people. So next time you drive through these neighborhoods think about what the media is telling you to think about these people, homes and neighborhoods. Do you know anybody who lives in these neighborhoods? Perhaps if you did, you would recognize that they are the salt of the earth and deserve to be cared for by our government. Money should be spent to rebuild these neighborhoods. Living in urban neighborhoods that are neglected strips people of their dignity. These images should make people want to help rather than fear the people who live here.
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